- Fixed SDA prefix not displayed on push notification
- Fixed Call scene does not display prefix after off-hook from push
- Fixed Wazo user status updates are not available
- Fixed International call format being stripped on the mobile app
- Fixed Mobile app keeps ringing after answering on another device
- Fixed Android microphone is turned off when you switch to another application or the phone is on standby mode during a call
- New Show specific timestamp of call history and Voicemails in Mobile App
- Fixed Sort phonebook contacts by first name
- Fixed Remove the requirement of a SIM card for an Android device to be able to download the app
- Improved Display of a banner when the notification is disabled on Android
- Fixed Fix softphone not reconnecting after a hangup on Crosscall M5
- New SAML Logout on Mobile
- New Addition of a banner to tell the end customer that his phone is on DND
- New Implement the call recording on the Mobile Applications
- Fixed Label indication for external missed call on Mobile application
- Fixed Search contact on the directory don't stop to display and scrolling many wrong contacts
- Fixed Softphone not closed because it detected remaining call due to SIP id with different length
- Fixed App crashes on Android 14 when answering a call in an inactive state
- Fixed White flash on outgoing call on Android with dark theme
- New Displaying same menu when clicking on voicemail than clicking on every list items
- New Chat notifications are dismissed when opening the application.
- Fixed Contact presential when removed from favorite.
- Fixed Whitelabel labeling in Check stack scene.
- New Handling new invisible contact status.
Skip because of issues
November 13th, 2023
- Fixed Close search modal after initiating a call
- Fixed Update stored stack when receiving a Wazo-Stack-Host in header
- FixedDo not display incoming call when notifications are disabled
- FixedHandle Android DND mode
- Fixed Prevent WebRTC-down banner from showing up in Android
October 25th, 2023
- New Display more phone fields in phonebook contacts.
- New Display icons with contact status only for Mobile
- New Display application name in incoming call scene on Android
- Fixed Speaker issue on iOS when enabled before the call is answered
September 11th, 2023
- New Support of iOS 17
- New Support of Android 14
- New Local contacts can be searched without accent
- Improved Improve messaging when UI crashes
- Fixed Fixed user presential when making a call directly after opening the application
September 12th, 2023
- Fixed App crash when issuing an outgoing call from the "Recent" tab
September 12th, 2023
- New Phonebooks: Users can access a contacts list that has been loaded by a Portal Admin.
- Improved Change the Dialer UI/UX with symbols/alphabets/digits
September 5th, 2023
New Support domain filling from URL: This gives the opportunity to the customer to log directly into the right domain and prefield the domain field in the authentication process
- Mobile URL: wazo://?host=my.stack.com - Fixed Improved stability by fixing some crashes
- Improved We changed how local contact authorizations are asked to the final final, to comply with the Apple app store new policies.
July 31st, 2023
- Fixed Speaker and Bluetooth status is not changing anymore after the call is answered
- Fixed Check stack issue with stack having a custom port
- Fixed Call is not closed anymore during a network switch (eg 4G <> Wifi)
July 11th, 2023
- New Display an alert before switching to GSM mode
- New Added logo to Identify the contact source in search results
- Fixed Issue of the call scene disappearing when a second incoming call hit the phone.
- Fixed Do not display the active call banner directly after hangup
- Fixed Call logs icons coherence with Web & Desktop version
- Fixed Refresh chat messages when re-opening the app
June 19th, 2023
- New Redirect emergency calls to the native dialer
- New Upgrade to the last react-native version
- Improved Navigation improvements
- Improved notification issues warning
- Fixed Do not hangup a call when muted after 1mn
- Fixed Fix slow Internet banner
- Fixed Display audio call mode when answering a video call in audio
- Fixed Redirect to home screen as soon as possible and fix webRtcDown banner
- Fixed Stop ringback sound directly on hangup
- Fixed Reopen active call on Android when going foreground
- Fixed Fix displayed answerTime in ongoing call
- Fixed Fix local video stream not displayed every time
- Fixed reopening audio call seen as video
- Fixed save button being hidden behind keyboard on iOS
- Fixed invalid number displayed after a relocation
May 30th, 2023
- New Display the contact statuses in call logs for new contacts
- Improved Minor redesign of the application for better consistency
- Improved Increased stability
- Improved Several technical issues fixed in this new release resulting in a much better user experience
- Improved The video and voice core library
- Fixed When disabling chat in portal, the chat tab should disappear
- Fixed The call is no more hanged up when holding it for more than 1 minute
- Fixed Favorite contacts are sorted in the same way on Mobile as on Desktop application
- Fixed A tap on voicemail push notification redirects to the voicemail view Edited
May 09, 2023
- New Display local contact that only have a company information
- New Allow to display custom plugins
- Improved Redesign the margins on the "Directory" page
- Fixed User’s ringing time set for call hangup isn’t applied
- Fixed "Low internet connection" message is displayed when there are no network issues
- Fixed [android]: “Incoming call” screen appears when the call is already in session
- Fixed Incoming call is only displayed on the desktop phone but not on the mobile. The dialer is gray.
- Fixed impossible to click on links in a chat
- Fixed “vibration + sound” are absent for “Audio / Video” call if internet connection is low
- Fixed a call received on the mobile app during an ongoing phone call makes the phone ring and vibrate instead of having a notification sound of another incoming call
- Fixed mobile app doesn’t receive a call when the phone is locked
April 03, 2023
- Improved Resilience of the application in case of unstable internet connection
- Fixed errors picking up and hanging up a call
- Fixed errors when change of the user state
- Fixed floating crashes after several audio calls in a row
Fixed crashes when
- Call forwarding
- Adding contact in Directories
- Browsing voicemail tabs
March 07, 2023
- Fixed app put in background do not ring
- Improved app load performance
- Improved the app will now accumulate data before writing in its storage
Febuary 13, 2023
- Fixed Redirection to chat now work when clicking on a notification
- Fixed Android app crashes if iOS user calls back to Android user during videocall
- Fixed Correction de multiples crash
December 20th, 2022
- Correct naming for Presence and status, solving inconsistency between Desktop/Web versions and Mobile App
- This new version of Wazo mobile application includes stabilization of work with connected Bluetooth devices during the incoming or ongoing calls
- Fixed Call transferring errors
- Fixed Application crashes
- Fixed Recent events view: prefix and caller number
- Fixed Volume of ringtone
- Fixed Voice messages (on Android)
- Fixed Show notification option
- Fixed Small UI defects Clicking on a chat notification do not redirect to Wazo chat screen
September 1st, 2022
- New Early Media
- New White Label
- New Clic to Call (Android)
- New Call a local contact(Android)
- Improved Increasing the caling experience
- Improved Removing the phone account (Android)
- Improved Android 13 compatibility
- Improved UX improvement - Meatball
- Fixed Display <unknown> instead of number.
- Fixed Don't see contact name on outgoing call.
- Fixed Being able to play a empty voicemail message.
- Fixed Clicking on a chat notification do not redirect to Wazo chat screen
April 27, 2022
- Improved Stop Ringing
- Improved Call latency
- Fixed User is not able to identify the missed call in Call Logs
- Fixed Missing translation for label Countries in IOS
- Fixed See two distinctive discussions with a same contact
April 21, 2022
This version has been released to comply to Play store and App store request.
No change compared to 2.4.0
March 30, 2022
- New Login using LDAP and Active Directory
- New IOS - Allow to call from contact application
- Improved Display error when refreshtoken is deleted
- Improved Remove STUN server when a TURN server is configured
- Improved Reset application storage when application is removed but storage persisted
- Improved Update to WEBRTC M98
- Improved Update to react-native-webrtc 1.94.2
- Fixed Fix several issues causing application crash
March 03, 2022
- Improved Retrieve ring duration from user configuration.
- Improved Close call and display a Toast when registration fail.
- Improved "@" is not allowed anymore in domain name field on login screen.
- Improved Display call as "In Progress" when call is answered but communication not established yet.
- Fixed App crash on iOS when switching between internal speaker and loud speaker.
- Fixed Application is stuck after severals call accepted in foreground.
- Fixed Double AOR.
- Fixed Don't see new voicemail message.
- Fixed Wrong presential when opening application.
- Fixed Cannot edit number while transfering a call.
January 31, 2022
- Fixed IOS - Blank call when answering a call on IOS
- Fixed Unhold a call don't allow to talk again
- Fixed HP button is not working when using it from the application
- Fixed Remaining AOR when locking/unlocking an Iphone
January 10, 2022
- Improved Detect old (>2 min) pushes natively on Android and don't display it
- Improved Hangup call if phone is not able to establish the communication
- Improved Increased performance
- New Log information
- Fixed Android - Call seen desapear when initiating a call form callkeep
- Fixed Avoid 2 AOR when making an outgoing call from the native android application
Novembre 02, 2021
- Improved Increased performance on Android incoming calls
- Improved Increased efficienty when opening application
- Fixed Application crash when displaying an unamed contact
September 13, 2021
- New Advise user at login when log are activated
- Fixed Empty CDR displayed
August 23, 2021
- Improved Android only - Changes to the way user grants or denies access to his/her contact list
- Improved Android only - Debug functionality has been temporarily deactivated
July 06, 2021
- Improved Simplified access to Terms & Conditions, and data privacy policy
June 25, 2021
- New Don't allow to access specific features when restricted from Portal
- Improved Application doesn't format anymore numbers when composing a call
- Improved Application now check if it is compatible with stack version
- Improved Capacity to transfer call on numbers containing "*" in it
- Improved Wazo Mobile application is now available in Tunisia
- Improved Don't display old incoming call after a long disconnection
- Improved Display call number in call logs the same way as other Wazo applications
- Improved Have the capacity to activate HP during ringing
- Improved New Log help to understand what happended on phone when Wazo Mobile application is not on foreground
- Improved Take in account new chatd status "progressing"
- Improved Use connected attribute instead sessions
- Fixed Cannot answer if phone account is activated
- Fixed GSM call from callkeep
March 23, 2021
- Fixed Don't need anymore an application configuration set from Portal
March 16, 2021
- New Application can now be provisionned with a configuration file
- New Capacity to record live log into a remote server
- New Capacity to past a number
- New Presential information available in Call history
- Improved Update presential when application goes foreground
- Improved Display good name for outgoing call
- Improved Call longer than 59 minutes are now displayed in hours
- Improved Add countries in Country list
- Improved Don't allow to call external contact in video
- Improved Wazo Mobile application is compatible on Android 11
- Improved Wazo Mobile application is compatible on IOS 14
- Improved Increase responsivity and stability
- Fixed Ringing don't stop when call is answered elsewhere or hanguped
- Fixed Display incoming call number number instead of <unknown>
- Fixed Do not receive calls in specific conditions
- Fixed Speaker action
- Fixed Hold action
September 24, 2020
Improved Compatible with new PJSIP API
(Compatible with Wazo stack before and after 20.13)
July 30, 2020
- New Visio 1-1
- New Relocate a visio call
- Improved Stay in conversation between Data and 4G
- Improved This new version of Wazo Mobile is significantly increasing the stability
- Improved Upgrade transfer functionality
- Improved Inform the user when firebase is not well configured
- Improved Call Keep 3.1.0
- Improved React Native WebRTC 0.84
- Improved Chat notification anchanced
- Fixed AOR correction
- Fixed Ringing issues corrections
- Fixed See twice a conference call
- Fixed See twice a direct call
- Fixed Ice Candidate (it solve some call quality issues)
- Fixed Call back don't work with international number format
- Fixed Fix non parsable numbers
- Fixed Sentry fixes on mobile
- Fixed Cannot react on incoming call and need to reboot phone
- Fixed Use Wazo Stun by default